Tuesday, April 13, 2010

dressing up for a party

dressing up for a party
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Cade and I went to a 'retro' party, and did some quick clothes borrowing to suit him out with his 80s gear. I already had all the stuff for my costume in the magic wardrobe, so that worked out really well.

This evening it was so nice that Cade and I went to check out the park behind our house. We tried the swings and slide, but his favorite activity by far was picking up gravel, trying to eat it, and piling it up on the bottom of the slide. Who knew?

I'm also getting excited about my Edmonton trip. I get to see Jonny Lang (wahoo!), meet up with the fam, and do some shopping. Cade is outgrowing his clothes, and I also want to get a few things for the house. Although, I always have a few more things I want for the house. It never ends!

I registered for the intermediate painting class on Mondays, so now I just need to find a sitter for Cade. J is busy that night. But I'm looking forward to the class - more oil painting, yeah!

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