Tuesday, September 21, 2010


frosty mirror
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Our house has been on the market for about a week and a half, and we just had our first viewing. We'll hear back from our realtor on how it went in the next few days. While I don't expect the first person to ask to see our house to buy it, it's encouraging to know someone thinks it's worth checking out.

I've managed to come down with a cold - my first in quite a long time, actually - probably a year. So I have all the joys that go with sinus problems, achiness, fatigue, and a general sore-throat-cough kind of thing. Fabulous.

Jer's got this week off, which is great. He starts his new job next week, so he's using this week to get things done and get packed up. He's also helping me around the house and watching Cade a bit, which is lovely.

We woke up to a thick fog, not so unusual, but it's stuck around most of the day - which is definitely unusual for here. I had fun going to a few spots in town and taking some photos. The fog was starting to lift by the time I had a chance to snap away, but I'm still happy with several of the pictures I got. Huzzah!

I've also been working on a logo for Colin over the past few weeks, as I have time, and as drafts get sent back and forth. I think it's pretty close to finalized, which is great! After that I'll get to fix up the rest of their website and add the logo. It's been really good doing work for him so far. He has a clear picture of what he wants, and was able to give me samples to show me what that is. That makes my job as a designer a lot easier, and also makes him much more likely to be happy with the finished product. I'll post a link once the site is done.

I haven't had a chance to do much else lately, other than prep for moving and watch Cade, so that's about it for this post!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wowzas. What a lot of work.

movie watching area
Originally uploaded by trippykel
In the past week I've painted the entryway, cleaned/organized/staged and photographed the whole house, and done a few little upgrades (hardware, removed the glass shower doors) to the upstairs bathroom - with some help from Jeremie and a babysitter, of course. Phew. I'm glad that's done.

Oh, by the way, J got the job he wanted, so were moving to Calgary. That would be why we were getting the house ready this weekend. I meet with the realtor tomorrow, and our house will be on the market ASAP. This whole move seems to have come out of the blue. J found a posting for his dream job about 3 weeks ago and applied. 3 weeks later we're getting ready to sell the house, looking at real estate down south, and throwing our whole lives upside down. But hey, you've got to do a bit of that for a dream job!

That's about all I've had time for lately - working, working, and more working. I think it'll slow down for the next bit though, until we sell the house - at which point packing begins and the work picks right back up. Fabulous, no? But all the work does mean that I don't have much more to blog about. C'est la vie.