Thursday, August 27, 2009

Machinery - the accordion guy

The past few weeks have been busy, busy. Since my last post(s), I've had lunch with Heather (who is pregnant, about 12 weeks now - congratulations!), worked on the church library for 2 afternoons, and caught a pretty good concert at the Gaiety theatre. It was one of those 15 bands, 15 bucks, 2 nights-type deals, so we went for the second night and caught several bands, but the best were definitely Machinery and John Reuben - there were a few other good ones, but these were the ones who knew how to work the crowd. And there were a few not-so-good ones that were obviously starting out and were just glad to play to an audience. Which is good, too - for them, if not as much for the audience. That was Friday night. I was already starting to feel a little bit sick.

Saturday afternoon Amy came to visit, and stayed until Tuesday. We went to some garage sales together, watched several movies, played with Cade, took naps, walked around town, cooked dinners, and played board games. By the time she left Tuesday, I was sporting a fever, had gone through 3 boxes of kleenex, and was starting to cough. Lovely.

Tuesday night Cade woke up and cried about once an hour, which meant I was getting up about once an hour to comfort or feed him. By wednesday during the day he had a fever and stuffy sinuses, just like his mom. It's going to be a fun rest of the week!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Cade's Room

Cade's Room - After
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Cade's room is finally painted, and J and I are both really happy with the result! This has been a long process to get ready, since I've been wanting to paint that room since it was my office, so I'm glad it turned out so well. I bought paint Tuesday, prepped (filled, sanded, washed, taped) on Wednesday, painted the first coats Thursday, the second coats Friday, and taped and painted the stripes and trim Saturday. The room was all back together and looking fabulous by 12am Sunday morning. And tonight will be Cade's first night sleeping in his new room - we had to get the worst of the fresh paint fumes out first. Hooray for having one upstairs room exactly the way we want it!

Our family with Jasper the Bear

We went camping just outside of Jasper the weekend before last, in William Switzer national park. We met up with my parents and sibs, and had a grand ol' time. We didn't pack the weekend too full, but did find time for a guided nature walk, a little tramp around Kelly's Bathtub (a small, warm-for-the-mountains) lake, and a trip to Miette Hot Springs. Cade was really good at the hot springs, and maintained a neutral expression for a half hour while being trucked around in the warm water. The hot springs were great, since it was an outdoor pool - we could enjoy the beauty of the mountains while soaking in some nice warm water.

We tented. It worked out pretty well, actually. The first night was cold, so the next morning Jeremie went out and bought a sleeping bag to zip together with mine, and the next night was wonderfully warm. We bundled Cade up in a winter bear suit, complete with ears and tails, and he was also snug and cozy while he slept. I'm sure glad we didn't see any real bears, though! They have a reportedly can be rather vicious.

We all took turns making one meal for the group while camping, which was nice. It meant that we got to make pancakes, bacon, and scrambled eggs, and didn't have to worry about the other meals. I wholeheartedly support doing that again.

The only down point in our weekend was that Grandma Jetty and Grandpa Bill decided they couldn't make it, too. They are in their 80s and I definitely understand why they couldn't drive for so long, but it was sad not to see them there!

In other news, I called my optometrist and they should have my new glasses shipped to me this week or next. I'm so excited!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jeremie at the beach

Jeremie at the beach
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Jeremie, Cade and I headed out last night to check out some local sights. We walked around Pipestone Creek, then hit up Saskatoon Island Provincial Park on the way home. The creek had an amazing amount of good skipping rocks, and Jeremie got a few good skips in. I didn't try it, using Cade as my excuse - it's hard to skip rocks while wearing a baby. But I'm pretty bad at rock skipping, too, so it wasn't a huge loss.

Saskatoon Island Park had a ton of new playground equipment, a kids' bmx track, a few beach volleyball courts, and some nice picnic spots - I can see us going back there sometime for an afternoon outing. Maybe with Maria, next time she comes up, since she's such a volleyball girl.

Today also happens to be Cade's 3-month birthday, so we're going in to get his 3-month checkup done. He's growing well and is a pretty contented baby. We're happy to have him around!

We're looking forward to camping in Jasper this weekend with my family - it'll be great to see them all, and I'm sure they'll love to see how Cade is growing up. It'll be the first time that Grandma Jetty and Grandpa Bill (now great-grandparents) get to see him, so that's pretty exciting too. We'll have to see how tenting with a baby goes. I'm glad that the forecast is for sun and highs of around 22, lows of around 10. The days won't be too hot for Cade, we'll see if the nights are too cool.

I'm going to try to finish off the apron for Maria today, I'll post a picture when I do!