Friday, April 9, 2010

town at night

town at night
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Tonight was a baby shower for Izzac at the church. We had a grand ol' time, opening presents and eating snacks. I didn't feel like heading home after said event, so I headed over to Jos' place. On the way there I saw this beautiful sunset going on, and snuck home to grab my tripod and camera. This is the shot I like best. Mmm, sunset.

One week until I go to see Jonny Lang - can't wait! It's going to be great. I'm not really looking forward to all the driving I have to do, but other than that it should be a lovely weekend. I'm hoping to do some shopping for Cade and find some good deals on cute clothes for his next size up. I've also been drooling over a duvet cover from Urban Outfitters, so we'll see if I can squeeze that in my budget too.

Robyn came over last night and we whipped up some awesome curtains for her place, I can't wait to see them in action!

Monday night we went over to Megan's for a baby shower for Britt and Evrest (I know, there are way too many babies around here right now) where we had high tea and a nice intimate gathering and chat. I've had a good week, looking back on it all!

Not much else to say, except that I should probably get to bed. It's something I still haven't learned to be good at. Aah well, there's always tomorrow...

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