Wednesday, March 10, 2010

the sneakers

the sneakers
Originally uploaded by trippykel
The photo is some size 5 sneakers Cade got for his baby shower. He's still a size 4, so they're a bit big, but they're so cute!

Monday night we threw a shower at the church for Heather and her baby Maddison. I happened to be the MC and games planner, and was happy to say I did pretty well. The games went over just fine, and we had fun getting to know a bit more about Heather and the little one. Who knew that she wants to have 6 kids? Wow! The dessert was lemon pie filling over pie crust with whipped cream. I loved the tangy factor: I think I might have to make that as a dessert sometime at home.

This coming Saturday my grandma turns 80 years old. I have to figure out what to get the lady who has everything and wants nothing! Mom suggested writing her a letter, so I'll definitely be doing that. She saves the letters we write her to pull out and read again and again. Is that a generational thing? This generation seems to rely on facebook and email mostly.

I sewed Amy's nursing cover this evening, and I really like the fabric. It's quite vintagey and cheerful, and I quite enjoy it. Here's to hoping she does too!

I think I'm going to talk to Jeremie about converting our spare room into my own play place. Right now I have to take out & put away any craft/sewing/art/design stuff right after I use it to keep it out of Cade's tiny but determined reach. A lot of it is kept in Cade's room, and so I can only use it when he's awake - which ususally doesn't work. I would just love a room to store it all in and have a workspace handy whenever I need it. That, plus a reading lamp and cooshy chair, would make for my perfect room. We'll now have to see if we can make it happen!

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