Sunday, May 10, 2009

The usual position

The induction finally took on Tuesday evening. I managed the contractions at home until about 10pm, when I decided that morphine wasn't an option anymore, and we went in to the hospital. Baby Cade Daniel arrived at 4:30pm the next day, after 2 1/2 hours of pushing. I was exhausted, my eyes were almost swollen shut, and I'd burst some blood vessels in my face. Not a pretty sight. But it was worth it to hear Jeremie's triumphant 'It's a boy!' and know that the work was done, and we had the newest addition to our family. He weighed in at 8lbs, 6 oz, and was 9 days overdue. And, incidentally, was born on Hanson day, as my sister pointed out to me. Sweet.

The only disappointment was that if he'd come a few weeks earlier, I could have gone to check out all the garage sales today - once a year, Sexsmith has a town garage sale day where everyone who wants to sells all their junk. It's fabulous. But, c'est la vie. There's always next year.

We arrived home at about 6:30pm Friday evening, and were happy to be back. We stopped by the comedy night/pie social at church for a minute, but it was just over, so we stayed for a few minutes to show Cade off, then headed home to pack it in for the night.

The usual position
Originally uploaded by trippykel

Being pregnant, and finally not again, has made me thankful for many things. Hugging my husband face-on is one of the top few. At the hospital I was supremely greatful for showers, for Jeremie to help out when I didn't feel like getting out of bed, for the horrifically huge maxi-pads the hospital provides, and for every meal arriving on a tray. Convenience at its best. On arriving home I was thrilled with my own shower (it has everything I need, right there!), sleeping with an un-plasticized pillow, and today when we tidied up all the detrius that had accumulated throughout the hospital time. I always feel so much better with a tidy home. A bit of dirt here and there I can live with, but clutter just isn't right!

I talked to my dad on the phone yesterday, and he was already planning on building a soapbox derby car with Cade and making a trip to the states to compete. He's oldskool. I think this being a grandpa is really going to agree with him!

We've gotten so many wonderful congratulations, comments, offers of help, and gifts. Especially on Facebook. I knew when I posted a few baby photos that I was asking for it... reams of comments. All lovely, of course. But we've had so many people offer congratulations and want to see a picture or two that I couldn't resist. I'm sure I'll be filling up a set in my Flickr account with more photos of our baby than anyone other than family wants to see. It's a great way to keep all the long-distance family updated, though!

Cade is sleeping beautifully right now, so I think I'll take advantage of this moment to eat some dinner and see if I can catch a few winks before the long night begins. Last night was our first night at home, and I got collectively maybe 1/2 an hour of sleep in bed and an hour or two on the couch. Naps just aren't cutting it any more. So... here's to hopes of more sleep tonight!

1 comment:

maki from Japan said...

He's so cute!!
Congratulations, Martha!!