Wednesday, October 1, 2008

my bananna suit

my bananna suit
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Our youth group has started up again for the fall. Our second event was Water Balloon Mania, in which hundreds of youth get together, dress in colors to match their team, and water-bomb each other like crazy. We were yellow. I found this out about an hour before I had to be there, and called Jeremie at work. "Can you pick up something yellow?"

This is what he came up with. A bananna costume.

Whatever else I can say for it, it IS very yellow!

In other news, I've started my new job as the soup and sandwich maker at the Butcher Shop in town. So far I've picked up what I need to do quickly, and find that the time goes by quickly. Although I don't get paid a lot, there are a few other things that make it fairly worthwhile: a mostly monday-friday schedule with 7:30-3:30 shifts, pretty nice people to work with, a 3-minute drive to work. It's also a good change from the mind-stress of my web design job. Now it's just the getting-things-done stress, which hasn't bothered me much so far. I can't see this being a permanent job, but it's a nice intermediate step. If only my feet would stop hurting!

My birthday is coming up soon, so I've decided to have a couples life-sized Clue night in our home, using our rooms & taping squares in the hallway for moving around. I'll have to do a fair bit of planning for that, so that's next on my agenda! It will, of course, be a costumed theme night, as are most of my birthday parties. I can't wait! I'll probably design our own clue cards, make up branded instruction pages for everyone, we'll see how crazy my design skills get in the time I have.

Jeremie still hasn't heard back on whether or not he's getting Christmas vacation, but I get the week between Christmas and New Years' off. I'm really happy about that, seeing as how I just started working and wasn't sure what would happen. We'll be spending Thanksgiving here, and hopefully we'll have a few friends over for a nice big dinner. Mmm, turkey!


Anonymous said...

Wow. Martha. No wonder I did not see you at Water Balloon Mania, I was not looking for a giant bananna. I am disapointed that I missed my opportunity to see this sight. How are you? We haven't gotten together in forever, we should have a hang out night with the girls. Up for it? I'll come and see you at the Butcher Shop sometime.

Martha said...

I'm definitely up for it! Come see me and we'll set something up!