Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The visit

Mom and Dad were up this weekend, and it was a lovely relaxing/invigorating time for all of us. We don't get to see them often, so that in itself was a treat. Dad had fun puttering around and fixing a few things up: the pool table at the Oasis, the siding on our house, burying the compost, setting up my wardrobe. Mom is more of the chatting-discussing-reading type, but was happy to help me with some yard work, and brought some flowers to add to our gardens. We watched a few movies with Dad, played some speed scrabble won by Mom, and we two ladies were thoroughly trumped by the men in a game of Canasta. We ate out at the Golden Dragon, visited La Glace, shopped a bit, I had a job interview (sort of), and we went on several nice walks. Jeremie took Mom and Dad to some gardens 45 minutes out of town while I worked on Saturday afternoon. All in all, it was a wonderful visit. Thanks Mom and Dad!

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