Monday, May 12, 2008

Our weekend in Lethbridge

the happy couple
Originally uploaded by trippykel
The first weekend in May was the weekend we flew to Lethbridge. It was nice to be able to fly instead of driving: faster and less tiring. We flew in Friday evening, Mom & Dad took us to the Siagonese, for some amazing spring rolls & hot-sour soup. We told them the happy baby news, and they were excited/pleased indeed. We also stopped by at Grandma Jetty and Grandpa Bill's to let them know as well, and were feasted on cookies, juice and tea.

Saturday morning was garage saling (got a few great deals), then getting ready for Mike & Cor's wedding. The ceremony was lovely, Mike so solemn and Cor so bouncy and excited. They wrote their own vows, and Mom started to cry (I might have teared up too).

A bunch of the Kings gang was there, so we went card/gift shopping, then out for some ice cream before heading off to the Lodge for the reception. I was happy to meet Mike's mom, since he's been raving about her for years - and I was pleased to find out that she had wanted to meet me too ;)

I did manage to snag Jeremie in for one dance, which I was happy about. Oh, and I wore my faboo-new dress! It was so mod and lovely, it made the day just that much better.

More about this past weekend later!

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