Friday, April 25, 2008

One week down...

Conference Room
Originally uploaded by trippykel
One less to go.

The big news of this blog post is that I've given my notice to work. I do like designing, but am in huge need of a break. It's been stressful for the last while. As of now, I officially have 5 work weeks left. Then freedom!

You may ask what I plan to do on my time off? There's a lot to be done around the house that I just haven't found time for: painting, adding 4 years' worth of photos to scrapbooks, cleaning, yardwork, planting/tending our garden. And outside the house, there's Thursday lunch to help with, Wednesday bible study to go to, and friends to visit for lunch. I'm also really looking to having the summer off, since I haven't had one off since college! It's been way too long.

I'm really starting to get excited about next weekend now: I haven't been home in about a year and a half, and miss it (and my family) a lot! It will be so good to have a few days with Mom and Dad. Plus, Mike & Cor are getting married, which is always a good excuse for a trip. They really should get married more often ;)

Aah, yes. Now I'm off to hang out with youth for their 30-hour famine. Fun times!

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