Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the big 2-7

J and I on my birthday
Originally uploaded by trippykel
I thought that after the 2 pages of happy-birthdays on Facebook, maybe I should fill you in on what happened (all 3 people who read my blog;) - plus, it's fun to talk about.

The attached photo was taken shortly after my first birthday party - the murder mystery luau. I was unfortunate enough to have forgot my camera (sounds so unlike me!) and so am still waiting for the more luau-ey photos. It turned out that Mr Phineas T Wingate (brewer and cat fiend extraordinare) was murdered - and we were all suspects. We met over a massive fondue to find out who murdered him, and why. I was Nellie Couche, a young (not so) innocent. Dear J was the butler (and for once, the butler wasn't the murderer!). It was a smashing time, full of deep-fried foods and laughter. Thaks Britt, for hosting and planning!

A day before the luau (which you can only invite 8 guests to), Lindy from J's work called to see what we were doing for my birthday! She organized the Tucker gang, and we all met on Saturday for Earls dinner (I got to wear a boa, thanks Lindy) and a viewing of Mr Bean's Holiday.

Jeremie is still working on my present, so he's been getting pieces in the mail every so often and keeps apologizing that it's late. But hey - while I wait, he managed to come up with a CD, some flowers, and a new memory card for my digicam. And that just in time for my trip!

Thanks to all who sent lovely birthday wishes and cards (Erika and Mom, I just got your cards today). It's been one great week!

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hey Martha,

Well I must say, I am glad that for the sake of the other 2 people who read your blog, I am grateful. It is always nice to hear how things are doing, and to see new pictures that you take.

I hope this year is the better than all of the previous ones.