Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our photo book has arrived!

The photo book turned out to be lovely, and I'm very happy with it. Hooray for My Publisher!

Last week Gwen came out with me to the church to add all the books donated in the past several months to the church collection. I just got a new order of books in yesterday (hooray!) and so we'll be doing it again this coming Monday. Here's to hoping Cade is in a better mood when we go next. It's hard to get something done when he insists on being played with and held the whole time. Aah, the joys of being a mom.

Jer went to the dentist to get a consulation about his wisdom teeth, and he'll be getting them removed this coming summer. I remember getting mine out. It wasn't too bad, but it wasn't exactly fun either. It's like pulling teeth.

Saturday evening was the birthday party for a two-year old of our acquaintance, so we all bundled up to head out to a local hotel pool for a swim, a chat, and some birthday cake. We had a great time, aside from poor cold Cade. He wasn't a big fan of all the echoey noise, nor did he like the temperature of the big pool. He was abnormally silent and still for most of the swim, until we warmed him up well in the hot tub. I happily took part in a "see how long you can swim underwater" contest with the guys, and was pleased to fair as one of the better contestants. All those swimming lessons finally paid off!

Tonight is my 'night off' from the kid. I'm thinking I'll head into town and do some shopping. Maybe mall shopping, maybe grocery shopping, maybe just a lot of browsing. I don't want to spend much this month since I did end up buying that lovely coat I had my eye on - it was half off and I decided not to pass it up for that price. Thus the window shopping. Window shopping is good for you, right? Wait, I wonder what's on at the movies? I'll have to go check that out as an alternative. I never mind catching a good flick!

Well, I'm off to play with Cade for awhile. His mom has been incommunicado on the computer for long enough!


Sparlingo said...

Aww- I wanted to comment on how cool that book looks and how excited I would be to have that arrive as well if I were you. My sign-in for my Flickr account won't work and I don't know the answer to my security question (smooth move, Schindel). So I guess I'll just tell you it here. It looks great from the cover!

Martha said...

Yes, I was really excited about the book. It turned out really well. I've made books now for 2007, 2008, and 2009. They're our family photo albums: great for showing to people, and a nice hardcopy feel in case I ever lose my digital ones. I really love these books.