Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Guacamole gives great garlic breath

Cade has just fallen asleep in the jolly jumper. Again. I sort of feel bad for the poor kid, bobbing up and down in his sleep. At the same time, I also wish I had a video camera handy, since it's pretty fabulous at the same time.

Mom & dad were up last weekend, and we had a great & relaxing visit. A lot of reading got done, we fixed the dining room chair I hadn't felt good enough about fixing on my own, and Mom and I did some shopping. The 'rents also loved playing with Cade - he's chatty and interactive now, and a real pleasure to have around.

I'm decorating a tree for a Ladies' Christmas Tea production at our work, and have finally decided on a theme: the Starter Christmas. As in, first Christmas tree, dirt poor, and making all your own cheesy decorations. I'm going to cut some out of styrofoam, make some salt-dough ones to paint, and dig up Dad's spraypainted walnuts. It should be good. I'd like to do a berry garland - does anyone know which kind of berries to use for something like that? I'm assuming they have to be dried. Maybe Craisins?

I went to see Where the Wild Things Are with Meg and Jos this past Wednesday, and was quite disappointed. The overall feel of the movie was rather helpless and frightened, and I didn't get that feeling from the book. I also wish that the monsters (who were very well done) had 'monster' voices instead of standard human ones. It kept throwing me off!

I'm off to eat some dinner and get Cade ready - we're heading off to Clairmont this evening to see Craig & Ruthie's presentation (or whatever it is) on their move to Rwanda coming up. Should be exciting!

And Cade is awake. Gotta run!

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