Thursday, October 22, 2009

How time flies

the Robot etch-a-sketch
Originally uploaded by trippykel
It's already been a week since I blogged, and I have no new photos - so I thought I'd post an old one. Since the last blog post we've had cousin Kate up to visit, which was lovely - she got to see her nephew once more before she headed up to the great white north. I can't wait for Kate to get her own place so we can have fun with furniture setup and arrangement - she's buying all new stuff since she's led a transient life thus far and everything she owns fits in the back of her station wagon.

I was over at Joss' on Tuesday, and she painted Jill's dresser the most scrumptious sea blue color and added crystal knobs. It looks great, and I can't wait to see the decals she's adding. We were going to watch a movie, but ended up gabbing for the whole visit.

I hired a sitter yesterday for 4 hours during the day so I could have a big block of time to clean our house (cheaper than hiring cleaners). It feels absolutely lovely to have that all taken care of for another while, instead of the lick-and-a-promise it usually gets. It's very relaxing.

Today was shopping with Joss and Britt for my coming up birthday party, and I managed to find Cade a really cute (and affordable) snowsuit at Winners, while Jos found some really fabulous Christmas decorations there. I had several things that tempted me, but I've spent my spending money for the month. Aah, self-discipline is so difficult!

Jer is coming down with something, so he's already off to bed for the night. And the past few nights Cade has gone to bed around 7:30pm. I really like how it gives me some time in the evening to get a few things done!

Next jobs: finishing off a newsletter design, clearing out the dishwasher, sewing a battery pack for J, and trying out a salsa recipe - I've got to use up those garden tomatoes before they go bad!

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