Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Hi Mom!
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Jeremie and I went to Edmonton on Easter weekend to attend the wedding of Brent & Erin. They seem happy together. It was an interesting ceremony, and very short, since it was administered by a Justice of the Peace. The vows were more about upholding each other's rights and staying together than the Christian vows, to honor and cherish.

We were lucky enough to go to McKernan on easter sunday, and ran into a bunch of our friends. We all went downstairs for a scrumptious turkey dinner after the service, and it was truly a pleasant affair.

I've also been pleased with the neat-o shelf we got at Ikea for my office. Yay for storage space!

I didn't have anyone to pull April Fools Day jokes on. Poo.

And I also want to watch Ratatouille again. I love that movie!

We had Jer, Britt, Jovi, and Jer's parents over yesterday for a barbecue after church. It was nice to get to know them a bit better, and we had a nice lunch and chat. I even changed Jovi's diaper! And, of course, she blessed me with a runny one. Thanks, dear!

I'm also starting to look forward to the town garage sale in May. I hear it's crazy good. May will be hectic - we've got Mike & Cor's wedding, the town garage sale, Jer wants to attend the Robot Games in Calgary, and we're helping out with the youth for YC. Busy busy!

Oh, and Maria's moving to Edmonton! I'm so excited!


Maria said...

busy indeed. my goodness. sounds like your easter was stellar. good to hear.

Maria said...

my sister needs to blog more!