Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cold Cold Day

Cold Cold Day
Originally uploaded by trippykel
The other day, when I took the photo attached, was freezing: something like -40 degrees with windchill. Brr. The photo is taken out of my car window. When it's that cold, exhaust makes this beautiful fog near stoplights.

I've been staying indoors a lot, due to the weather. I make my daily trek(s) to and from the car to get to work and back, but other than that I try to stay in. Monday night I went to get groceries, and threw on some headphones and my ipod to keep me company while I shopped. I got out of the grocery store, packed the groceries in the trunk, and discovered it was too cold for my car to start. I was in the middle of calling Jer when I tried to start the car again (for the 5th time) and it started. Huzzah! Now we plug our cars in at night.

I whipped up some french onion soup tonight, so tomorrow when I get home from work we can just reheat, add bread/cheese, and serve. It'll be lovely.

We went to a dinner party at the Deane House this past weekend, a murder mystery, for Jer's work Christmas party. We really enjoyed the party, and I had a great little chat with Sarah, Jer's coworker's wife. I hope we'll get to chat again sometime - or maybe hang out. She seems pretty great! We both love reading, and she's easy to talk to. It was nice to meet someone new!

We haven't found a church we're ready to call home yet. This coming weekend we'll check out another new one, or maybe revisit the one we went to last week. We'll have to see how it goes! It would be good to be in a small group again, and to meet some more possible friends. Hopefully we'll find the place we want to settle in soon.

I'm half done my Christmas shopping now - I only have to find the hard presents now. Wish me luck with that!

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