Saturday, February 27, 2010

Computering together

Computering together
Originally uploaded by trippykel
The past couple of days have been busy with Cade-ness, since he's decided that naps are for babies. He's also teething and switching to solids, so we've been having a bit of a time keeping him entertained and myself sane. On the upside, I haven't thrown in the towel yet. Hooray for that!

Jeremie is off in Jasper today, snowboarding with the guys. I hope that he has an amazing time - you don't get to head out to the mountains every weekend, so you've got to enjoy it when you can.

In digital news, I made a nice robot logo for Jeremie's robot club last night, and am attempting to install wordpress on my server - both to test out the CMS, and to start (maybe?) a design blog, to be updated mostly when I want to rant about such things or have something new to show off. We'll see how that goes. I do want to see how easy Wordpress is to design for, and to use. So far my favorite is Joomla, though there are a few things I'd like to see made easier for the average joe. And for lazy me.

I bought a ton of groceries today, and also picked out some great fabric for a nursing cover for Amy. I'll let you know how it turns out!


Sparlingo said...

That is one of the cutest pictures ever :)

Dara said...

Yay Martha! Way to work the porfolio-building!