Thursday, April 16, 2009

This one's for you

Shelley, here are all three paintings together, as requested by the always-fabulous you!

Baby news: we're at 38 weeks and a few days, so less than 2 weeks left! The ultrasound last week went well, and it looks like everything's how it should be, which is great. The doctor said that if, for some reason, baby is late, we'd probably induce about 1 week after the due date. So the longest we'll have is 3 weeks until baby is here, and life changes forever... or so I hear.

I spent a lovely half hour this afternoon on a walk with Robyn, who I bumped into halfway through. I ended up at the skatepark, and took some video of Jeremie doing his thing. He just bought a new complete (deck, wheels, bearings, trucks, the whole bit) and so wasn't landing as many tricks as he wanted to, but I'm sure the new board will be worn in & ready to rock in no time.

I'm also happy to say that I'm finishing off my print photo albums this evening, and will never again have to do more than add a few items that are given to me. From now on, we're going digital all the way. Next project: making a digital 2008 album and sending it off to the printer's.



Maki said...

Hi, Martha. This is Maki Yamada.
Do you remember me?
Dad and mom came to Japan last month,and we met and talked for few hours.
Dad told me about your blog and now I see it. I heard that you are pregnant. Congratulations Martha, I'm very glad. I'm looking forward seeing your lovely baby's photos in here.
I got married last year, my husband and I are happy every day.
I was very glad that I could introduce my husband to dad and mom.

I'll sometimes see your blog!

Shelly said...

Thanks Martha! They look great!

Unknown said...

I request one last non-mom blog post :).