Monday, December 22, 2008

butcher shop munchies

Things are finally slowing down around here, and I'm glad to have a much-needed rest. December has been busy with Christmas-ey events, both of us working full time, youth group, and working on a website in my 'spare' time - on top of all the other things that December brings. Oh, and don't forget the Christmas shopping!

The presents have been laid under the tree with care, received, mailed, wrapped. We're taking most of them with us to Lethbridge for our holiday celebrations, but will open a few from J's family before we go. I'm really looking forward to seeing the family again. It's been much too long, though a phone call every so often at least keeps us in touch.

We had our first ultrasound a few weeks ago (I was 20 weeks pregnant and counting). I found it to be a fairly painless procedure, aside from the pushing on a full bladder with a blunt object for a good half hour. It was quite restful to relax for awhile while the technician worked. After she finished her thing, J came in and we got a preview of our new baby. It was very cool to be able to see it while it was still in my tummy, and I'm glad to report it seems just fine from what I saw: 2 arms, 2 legs, a body and a head. Everything seemed to be there. And no, we didn't ask if it was a boy or girl. Why ruin such a lovely surprise?

the ultra-galumphus-sound
Originally uploaded by trippykel
I've been working full-time for the past several months at the Butcher Shop here in town, making soups and sandwiches and all manner of goodies in their front/deli section. It's getting a bit tiring for me now, and I'm considering cutting back on my hours somewhat for the next few months. There's no point in wearing myself out before the baby arrives!

A week and a bit ago our youth group threw a masked carnival. It was well-decorated and well-received. We would have hoped for a better turnout, but the carnival was unfortunately the same day as the high school dance. There were maybe 30 youth there, plus volunteers. Hopefully we'll get more next year. I was in charge of the Wii - we had some raving bunny game going, which was only 1 token to play. What a deal!

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