Sunday, July 13, 2008

The recent stuff

The Oasis has been pretty good so far - not many youth coming, but we have a good time. We had 3 youth, plus Heather & I, at the Mini Golf Tournament. The second round was crazy golf, so we have a lot of funny photos. Tomorrow I'm going to have to make the next event posters & set them around town, and start planning next weeks' events. There's nothing like keeping busy!

I also found out yesterday that Hanson is coming to Edmonton. And Calgary. They've been my favorite band for 11 years, and this is the first time they're playing anywhere in Canada besides Vancouver or Ontario. I am SO excited. I've got a few friends that have already said they'll come, and am looking forward to an amazing two shows (I do want to see both, of course). Maria is definitely in, so we'll be Calgary - Edmonton road tripping together. It should be so great.

We had hamburgers for dinner. Mmm. I also ran across this awesome set of vintage cookbooks at a garage sale. They're from "The Galloping Gourmet" and look amazing as well as amusing. I think I'll try a recipe or two this week. We'll see how they turn out!

I've also been reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series again. I've read boks 2, 3, 5, 4, and am now on 7, in that order. I do wish the Library here had them all in, but I'll take what I can get. I must say that I do prefer the first three books, but isn't that almost always the case with any long series?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Martha, let me know how those recipes turn out, I'll try any you reccomend (if you post pictures of them that is, haha!)