Tuesday, March 13, 2007

This and that

A few anecdotes from a few months of my life:

1) We went sledding. This doesn't sound so complicated, but it did turn out to be a rather large undertaking. We got together a bunch (okay, six) people and headed out to the local sledding hill. There J and I met up with the rest of the gang, to find that Matt had brought his special-o GPS reader-ey thing. It can track the speed of something, so we used it for our all slipping and sliding. Turned out we went between 41 - 53 km/h down that crazy ice-hill. And I'm sure J and I would have beat that if we could have both fit on the plastic disc sled!

2) My little sister is in Europe. Now this isn't something I'm doing, but it does affect my life! I'm used to calling her every couple of weeks, and now it's been months since I've talked to her. I'm going through withdrawl. I really hope we can get this whole phoning/time difference thing worked out. We have so much to catch up on!

3) I just got a digital SLR. Canon Rebel XT (older model, since it was waaay cheaper). I'm in love. And got a lovely flickr account! Hoo-rah! For some reason, perhaps due in part to the fact that I have no flickr contacts, there are no testimonials or random silly comments on my flickr account. Want to add one? I'll hug you forever! (As long as the comments do not involve derogatory comments towards Zeke or Siggy, at which point we'd have to sit down for a serious discussion over the ramifications of said action. Or find time for a wet-fish-flogging.)

4) Have I ever told you about the time I....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need to advertise yourself a bit more if you want comments :D.

I commented! But I wouldn't have if I didn't know you were there. . .