Monday, September 6, 2010

Wowzas. What a lot of work.

movie watching area
Originally uploaded by trippykel
In the past week I've painted the entryway, cleaned/organized/staged and photographed the whole house, and done a few little upgrades (hardware, removed the glass shower doors) to the upstairs bathroom - with some help from Jeremie and a babysitter, of course. Phew. I'm glad that's done.

Oh, by the way, J got the job he wanted, so were moving to Calgary. That would be why we were getting the house ready this weekend. I meet with the realtor tomorrow, and our house will be on the market ASAP. This whole move seems to have come out of the blue. J found a posting for his dream job about 3 weeks ago and applied. 3 weeks later we're getting ready to sell the house, looking at real estate down south, and throwing our whole lives upside down. But hey, you've got to do a bit of that for a dream job!

That's about all I've had time for lately - working, working, and more working. I think it'll slow down for the next bit though, until we sell the house - at which point packing begins and the work picks right back up. Fabulous, no? But all the work does mean that I don't have much more to blog about. C'est la vie.

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