Monday, August 30, 2010

computering like crazy

computering like crazy
Originally uploaded by trippykel
Life has been good over the past month - and a lot going on!

The basement is painted, and the other night Lyndsay came over to help me move furniture around the house. I haven't got all our stuff organized yet (there's still a pile left in one corner of the basement), but once I do I'll be sure to post pictures. It looks great - all I have to do is figure out what to hang on my walls now. It sounds like it's time for me to do some more artsy-paintings!

We headed down to Calgary this past weekend for a quick trip, and managed to visit with my sibs, help Maria move some stuff into her new place, and hang out with my parents for an evening. Jer also had a job interview, which was the original reason for heading down. It seemed to go really well, so we'll have to see what happens from there!

I've been working like crazy on updating/reinventing my portfolio site in case we have to move, and I have to find a job. In the past few weeks I installed wordpress, found a decent portfolio theme, wrote content, took screenshots and added lots of them to my site. I still have a lot more content to add, but at least now my portfolio is worth visiting. - pass it on if you know of any web design companies in Calgary looking for someone ;)

Other than that, I'm mostly just planning out this coming week - I want to mow the lawn, paint the entryway, and add some new hardware to my bathroom. As well as watching Cade, getting groceries, and organizing the rest of the house. Sounds pretty low-key, huh?

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