Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Calgary at night

Calgary at night
Originally uploaded by trippykel
This evening was good. Unusual, but good. We had french toast and some fabulous bacon for dinner. I loved it. Cade seemed really tired, so I tried to put him to bed. An hour later he was still having none of it, so I lay down with him in my bed. We both fell asleep until 1am.

I'd meant to get groceries this evening, because we're pretty much out of everything Cade will eat for breakfast - bread, milk, yogurt, oranges. So I figured, why let 1am stop me?

When I went out to my car, the moon was amazing. It was hidden by a cloud, and had this rainbowey light around it. The whole area of sky around the moon was an incredibly bright, deep blue, and covered by scattered clouds. The rabbit that lives in our backyard went bounding through the snow. Mystical and lovely.

It felt like sneaking out of the house to go shopping in the middle of the night. I got to our local 24-hour grocery store to find I pretty much had the place to myself: there were only two other shoppers. I cranked the Kooks' "Inside In/Inside Out" and rocked out while I shopped. Fabulous night.

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