Saturday, April 3, 2010

little dunebuggy

my sunflower
Originally uploaded by trippykel
I've finished my sunflower painting. The edges are still wet, so it'll have to sit for a few weeks to dry. Nonetheless, I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It's a bit edgy, but not too much, and I love the vibrant colors it has. I'm not sure where I'll put it yet, but it's nice to have something done that I'm proud of.

These past few weeks Cade has decided not to nap, so I can hear him chatting to himself in his crib right now. He still goes to bed, he just doesn't sleep. I'm happy that he's chatting right now instead of crying, though. It's just so much easier on the ears!

I tried indoor rock climbing with Lindsay a few nights ago. I haven't gone for years, and it was fun to try again. I still enjoy doing it, so I might have to take Jeremie next time. It's $15 per person for a drop-in fee, including shoe and harness rentals, so it's a pretty good deal.

Last night Cade and I stopped by an art show that Janet, who teaches my class, is putting on. It was neat to see some of her finished work, and also to see all the people who came out to the show.

Jer has been off gallivanting all day, so this evening he's going to watch Cade so I can do some sewing. I've been wanting to get at our living room drapes for ages, so I'm quite excited about that. I'll let you know how they turn out.

Anyway, I'm off to figure out what we should have for dinner. Hmmm...

1 comment:

Dara said...

Love! You have such a great grasp of light!