Monday, September 7, 2009

Zonked out on the nursing pillow

Cade and I are still sick - Cade is down to a bit of a cough and a sometimes-runny nose, not so bad. I just developed a whopper of an ear infection and had to go to the doctor for a prescription this morning - I didn't get any sleep last night due to the pain. Lovely. But I've got antibiotics now, so hopefully it will clear up soon!

Because we've been sick, I haven't been doing anything worth blogging about. I've been trying to keep up with the dishes and laundry, and that's about all I've had energy for besides watching Cade. Oh, and a few computer-design projects.

I made a set of logos for our church, so they picked one and now I'm working on a bulletin redesign/reorganization, which I should really finish up tomorrow.

I'm also working on revamping/removing load time and adding more content for http:/// which has been a pretty fun project. The site currently there doesn't have a ton of content, but we have tons more parks to add - all in good time. I'm changing it to CSS/html and streamlining the whole thing - though the flash design was fun, I lost the files and it was a ton of work to make the details screen for each park, so I never got very far with content. I'll post to let you know when the new site is fully populated with all the parks we have info and photos for.

Anyway, I'm off to see if I can sleep. You can't get better without it!

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