Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fireworks and the weeks ahead

Originally uploaded by trippykel
We've had another couple of busy weeks. It seems that's just the way of life! This past week I met with a lady from USC about an education savings plan for Cade (we haven't decided for sure yet, but it looks good to me), spent an afternoon at Jana's with Tim and Owen, went for an evening visit at Heather & Dan's, caught their garage sale the next day (great prices!), spent several hours in the church library adding about 40 new items to the collection, and even found time to read Cade his first books - I chose "Hand, Hand, Fingers Thumb", Dr Seuss' Alphabet book, and "There's a Wocket in my Pocket". I also finished seam-ripping some old upholstery and brought it in to get new stuff sewn together (my sewing machine won't do that thickness), and designed a random label for a pop bottle. When I look back on it now, it looks like I had a productive week, even if it didn't feel like it!

In the kidlet realm, Cade has been really gassy. It's nothing new, but I just found out recently that it's not normal for babies to wake up in the middle of the night from gas. I'm suspecting milk products are the cause, and so I've stopped eating & drinking them. It's difficult though, since I like dairy and it's in almost everything! There's some yogurt sitting in my fridge now that I won't get a chance to drink. I'll be trying soy and rice milk next week, but it sounds dreadful. I'll let you know how that goes. It's still growing like a weed. He's about 9.5 weeks old now. And last week, at 2 months he weighed in at 14.5 lbs - a big baby. And he's tall, too. More like Jack Sprat than his wife!

I snuck out for the fireworks on June 31st, and at midnight on Canada day got a lovely fireworks display to watch over Muskoseepi Park. I had to call around to several friends to find someone going, since Jeremie wasn't feeling up to it (more on that later), but found a group of people to go with - Shawn and Justin had brought their new digital SLRs and Darren brought his video camera, so we were a picture-ey bunch! We hung out afterwards for awhile too until the traffic cleared out - it was good to have a bit of a photo romp again, and a bit of time to relax and hang out.

As far as Jeremie goes, this past week he worked the weekend, 'til midnight Monday-Wednesday, 'til 3am Thursday, then worked Friday afternoon. He finally got home to relax Friday evening and we rented a few movies - I really enjoyed Inkheart - and headed to bed on time. He was up that night with the flu, and has been sick all weekend. He's getting a bit better now, but it's still pretty rotten - work 3 weeks more or less straight, then get sick, then have to work again. Blech.

This coming weekend we'll be visiting Jesse & Sheleena, and Mom & Dad B should be there as well - I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing their grandson again! We're also going to Jill & Jeremy's wedding, and really looking forward to that. Hooray for happy couples!

Anyway, Cade nodded off after his gassy-fussy period, so I'm off to get a few things done before he wakes up!

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