Tuesday, October 28, 2008

costumed bowling and the like

the girls
Originally uploaded by trippykel
We had a joint costume/birthday party a few Saturdays ago, so I thought I'd share this lovely picture of some of our costumes. Half of us dressed up, and the other half either didn't know or forgot. It made for an interesting mix!

It doesn't feel like much else has been happening. Work is going fine, I'm still enjoying it for the most part. That's the most I can say about any of my past jobs, so I'm fine with how things are going.

Big Christmas news: J got the time off! We'll be heading down to Lethbridge between Christmas and New Years' to visit the family. It'll be great to see everyone together again and have a good ol' family Christmas.

I was looking at our yard today and noticed that I stil haven't pulled the dead plants out of our flowerbeds. I also noticed that this doesn't bother me at all, so I think I'll leave them to pull out in the spring when I've got cabin fever and can't wait to be outside. It also postpones my shivering-gardening combination, since I'm not a big fan of being cold.

I'm happy to say I've gotten most of my favorite recipes populated into my recipe site (http://www.boulianne.net/recipes/), and am now working on making all the recipes so I can take photos to add to my little site. I'm hoping to one day be able to choose what to cook based on a photo. Doesn't that just sound like so much more fun?

That's it for now. Happy trails!

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