Saturday, September 6, 2008

the picnic

the picnic
Originally uploaded by trippykel
My work is finally over, as of a week ago. I've handed in all the materials I created this year, rolled all the spare change, and locked up for the last time. It was a good summer job, and I'm glad that I had the time to fill in as the Oasis organizer this summer!

Skyla came over on Thursday. The plan was to go to a fabulous park and have a fancy picnic but, alas and alack, it was raining. We ended up picnicing on our living room carpet, and made fancy Italian sandwitches (Crostini) to go with the sparkling cider and lemon dessert. After our lazing around and food sleepies passed, we rearranged the dining room. And the bit of the living room and my office. I'm happy about it!

Britt and I went garage saling today. Got lots of great stuff! But I have to take off now, we're heading to James and Becky's for dinner.

Ciao for now!

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