Friday, July 4, 2008

Sumo at the Oasis

kickoff 009
Originally uploaded by trippykel
So I've officially started my job at the Oasis. Our kickoff was Wednesday night. We had about 15 youth come out, and we rented a bunch of bouncy big things - sumo suits, twister, and a castle. We had a good time...

I've been a bit unsure about this job, in that I had/have no idea if the youth will show up, if we'll get enough volunteers, and I'm not really that good of a mixer with new people. But they needed someone, I was available, and people told me they thought I'd be good at it. We'll just have to see how it goes. And hey, isn't God's strength proved in our weakness?

Tonight we'll be playing Fear Factor - relays, eating gross stuff, maybe pulling a stunt or two. We'll see how it goes!

I was also looking for game ideas and came across the game Fun House, from teh '80s and early 90's. I've been trying to remember the name of that show for months. As a kid, I loved the fun house they had to run through to get prizes, the go-kart track, and the lifesized games. Too cool.

Anyway, I'm off to buy gross food for tonight! Ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!!! I always thought it was called "full house" like the 90's sitcom, so searching for it to remember what it was like didn't work, and I began to wonder if the show actually existed. Apparently it did. And apparently it was called "fun house." thanks for that!