Friday, June 8, 2007

Dog for a day

The Lost Puppy
Originally uploaded by trippykel
I was going to drive up to Sexsmith on Friday, and make a liesurely day of it: stop for lunch, do a bit of siteseeing. But by the time Thursday evening had arrived and my Ikea visit with the Bienerts was done, I was too impatient.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to sleep (for excitement, not dread) due to moving on Friday and getting to see J again, I decided to just start driving Thursday night and see where I ended up.

Amy and Mom helped me pack the car, I hugged them and Julianna goodbye, and started off on my journey - a 5+-hour drive at 10pm.

The drive was a bit scary - dark, hard to see the road, and I kept seeing all these caution signs with jumping deer and moose on them. They made me tense and watchful, due to which I managed to stay awake until I arrived at 4am (minus a 20 minute nap on the side of the road).

I think Jeremie thought I was an intruder, sneaking into the house at 4am. Oops.

I was planting the front flowerbed on Sunday afternoon when this cute puppy jogged across our lawn, tags jingling and leashless. I called him to me, petted him while I caught his collar, and used some new shoelaces to leash him to our deck. He was a very friendly and incredibly good dog - no barking, no shoe-biting, not too much whining. I whipped him up a dinner of spaghetti noodles and apple chunks (After checking online to see what dogs could eat), and bedded him down in the basement on a soft blanket. The town office called the dog owner, who was very excited and rushed to our place from work to pick him up Monday morning. But he was a great, cute puppy. Too much work for us to have one permanently, but it was nice to have a dog for a day.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Hmm I think that could be a great business "Dog Rentals" .. you can rent him for a day, a week, a month or even a year ... hmmm .. oh the possibilities!